
We actively looking for students and postdocs to join us on our journey to understand genome organization and function. We are part of the Quantitative and Computational Biology Department at USC, which has an incredible range of computational biology research all on one floor. Our group has had fruitful collaborations with researchers with backgrounds ranging from theoretical physics, to computer science, to chromatin biology, and welcome researchers excited by inter-disciplinary science. Check out some of the papers and review articles linked from our research section, as well as code, for more information about projects we’ve been thinking about recently.
Prospective PhD students should apply to USC’s Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBB) program and arrange a rotation. Note that admissions are handled by the committee and not by individual groups, but feel welcome to send questions or statements of interest via email.
Prospective postdocs should send via email a 1-2 page cover letter with a description of their past and potential research interests, including how the latter would be enriched by time in our group, as well as a CV and contact information for 3 references.